Aluminium Windows

Modern aluminium windows provide a sleek, smart, contemporary look, ideal for modern homes or to offer an effective contrast to period properties. A highly flexible solution, our slim profile aluminium windows can be specialist made to fit to any space.

Along with the high thermal efficiency and durability of aluminium framed windows, they offer an affordable solution for many home owners.

Benefits of Aluminium Windows

  • Low maintenance

    Modern aluminium is hardwearing, robust and naturally resistant to corrosion from the elements.

  • Flexible and lightweight

    Aluminium can be easily shaped to fit unusual spaces and window openings to offer a wide range of design options and because of its strength an aluminium frame can support large panes of glass.

  • Modern and stylish

    Aluminium windows can aesthetically enhance contemporary properties or period buildings.

  • Slim profiles

    Aluminium windows are less bulky than uPVC or timber framed windows. They allow for a larger glass area, ideal for spaces where maximum exposure to natural light or sightline is required.

  • 100% recyclable

    Aluminium is easily recycled and because it retains all of its original properties during the recycling process it is a cost-effective solution.

  • Cost effective

    Aluminium windows are less expensive than other window materials.

Disadvantages of Aluminium Windows

  • High thermal conductivity

    Aluminium windows are not natural insulators and can be cold to touch

  • Can be prone to condensation build up

    This can be resolved however with specialist manufacturing with a thermal break between the interior and exterior surface.

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0121 387 3067

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